Tucker Killed It Last Night

Frankly, I smashed my finger while helping a friend move yesterday. So I’m typing with only 9 fingers. I already wrote one long feature piece, so the rest of this is basically going to be filler.

But, if you have the time, I think Tucker Carlson’s Tuesday night show is well worth watching. It’s more or less a summary of my articles on Tuesday. And before anyone accuses Tucker or his writers of reading this notoriously evil website – it’s just a simple fact that great minds think alike.

That’s all.

One point that Tucker made last night which I didn’t make yesterday (although I’ve made it before) is that China is using the excuse of Covid to shut down ports. The “outbreak” was in Jilin, which is – surprise – a major manufacturing center and export hub.

China has only ever had “Covid outbreaks” in port cities.

So, what we are seeing is the Chinese using the moronic hoax of coronavirus as an excuse for a blockade of exports that can’t ever be called out as such by the West.

You see, China was never stupid enough to believe in this virus hoax. Much to the contrary, they were smart enough to foresee that the lockdown system invented by Bill Gates and the WHO could be used to implement unofficial trade blockades.

Tucker also talked at length about the issue of Saudi planning to trade oil in yuan, and brought on some guy to talk about how idiotic the moralizing over the chop-chop of Khashoggi was, and how incompetent and unhinged you look when you do a morality campaign against someone and then abandon it when it is no longer useful to you.

I think the Saudi move toward China is primarily due to actually smart people advising the Prince on the issue of US current and future stability, as well as better deals being offered by China. But at the same time, Saudi is an absolute monarchy, and you can just imagine how pissed off the Prince was about the US whining endlessly and giving him all these problems for killing one faggoty journalist who supported a terrorist group overthrowing his government.

You can imagine the negotiations with China:

Saudi: So, what do you think of the US morality campaign over Jamal Khashoggi?

China: We’ve never heard of Jamal Khashoggi, and we are not interested in your internal affairs.

Obviously, the Biden Entity’s current focus on Iran is also an issue for Saudi, both on the level of intelligent strategy and on the personal level of the monarch.

Donald Trump gave assurances to Saudi as regards Iran, and just like Obama’s assurances to Iran were out the window when Trump was elected, Saudi’s assurances were out the window when Biden was “elected.” This is not the kind of country anyone wants to do business with.

The original WSJ report on Saudi planning to sell oil in yuan also cited the debacle in Afghanistan, which as I said at the time, is absolutely the point in history that historians will point to as the point when this whole dastardly monstrosity that is the Anal Empire began to unravel.